Thursday, December 25, 2008

This is thE seAson to be jOlly... falalalala lalalalaaahhh!

Aah, Christmas time...!

The air is filled with merry tunes, cool breeze, happiness, and love once again. And what’s
more satisfying than listening to children's Christmas carols, tasting Mom’s favorite dishes
and delicacies (though my mother is not here with us in the Philippines) , or shopping for the perfect gifts for the perfect people?

Christmas is one of my all time favorite Holidays! It’s the season where we get to spend
quality time with our loved ones and friends. These days, we get to take a break from loads
of nerve-wracking homework, buy new sets of clothes, shoes, and stuff! Just writing in our
long Christmas wish list gives us a sense of fulfillment. It may sound materialistic, but we
can’t help it. After all, what fun it brings receiving a gift from someone close to us? Who
wouldn’t agree? *wink*

In the Philippines, Christmas season begins on the 16th of December and ends on the first Sunday of January which is the Feast of the Epiphany (The Three Kings). It is quite different from the other countries of the world, it is the longest of the Philippine festivities stretching for over 3 weeks. This makes the Filipino Christmas celebration one of the longest Christmas season in the world.

Christmas always brings back memories from childhood. Food is always a part of these memories. Many families have their own food traditions that are recreated every year. This year's Christmas Eve my family would prepare wonderful meals such as hamonada - made especially by our special chef who is my brother, fried chicken, fruit salad, mango float, spaghetti, sinugbang (grilled) fish and pork.

I have the list of our recipes. I really like it! Seems like a child wrote this, but actually it's me...

not all the recipes listed here is cooked...

Each of us in the house is very busy preparing for the Christmas Eve...

Brother J, passed his talent in making yummy spag to me...

Brother M is cooking AJ's favorite - fried chiCken.

Pp and brother J is very busy outside the house...

Though each of us is very busy, our little prince is already bored waiting for the food to be served...

Our food for the Noche Buena.!

Who wants a yummy mango float? I made this.!

or an appetizer like the fruit salad with buko?

Want some yummy smiling spag?

AJ's all time favorite fried chicKen...

This is the Sinugbang pOrk and Fish...

and Christmas would not be extra special without our all time favorite dish - the HAmoNada.!

DeCember 24 and 25, 2008... sPending the yuletide season with my family...Soo sad, my mother, favorite sister and kuya is not here with us in the Philippines...

Christmas Eve is a special time, because it is a reminder of what Christmas is all about – celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On this Christmas day we spend the day relaxing and eating.

Christmas has always been the happiest time of the year. And let’s all celebrate that
special event of our lives by sharing the joy and spreading the love to our friends, family,
and loved ones.

I wish all my blog friends a joyful, peaceful & prosperous 2009.



Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Nice pictures. I wish I was there too. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Gigutom ko sa pics sa pagkaon...gutom na raba ko kai la pako pamahaw Yan!

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