Saturday, February 21, 2009

Will you ask a fortune teller to predict your own future?

Yesterday was a blast! A blast of stress and pressure after we had our 'required' recollection. My friends decided to go to a fortune teller somewhere here in our place.

Fortune telling is sometimes believable and so as unbelievable. It doesn't hurt to try so I then joined my friends. When it was already my turn and she saw me, her first uttered word was that I'm very friendly, generous and she told me a lot of things that worth good to hear. Almost positive vibes. That something good will happen, a happy love life for the rest of my life and of course a stunning career and all of my hopes and wishes will do come true. Yes! I know right? So far so good.

Actually,I'm afraid of indulging myself to this kind of stuff. I'm afraid of going to a fortune teller. I'm afraid of what the fortune teller's gonna tell me and as what I've known, it's a bad thing going to this such kind of thing. It seems you lack faith in God.

As they say if said something bad like, you will die at certain age in traffic accident or something else, the reason it could actually happen is, because you are scared and expecting it to at any time and it more likely to come true.

If fortune teller say you will meet a dark haired man/woman, it will happen because you will be looking, and wondering whom it will be.. BUT you will think wow that fortune teller was right.. But no, that was only due to you are expecting it.

I would like a fortune teller to tell me that I will win much money or be millionaire hah hah hah!

But at the end of the day, I realized that my friends and I were young and sometimes insecure. For the reason that we really indulge ourselves to this kind of activity. I once consulted card reader for a look into my future especially my love life and career life. Actually the event yesterday was my second try in going to a fortune teller. I decided to stopped because I heard the same thing over and over again.

Well, if you happen to go to a fortune telling already don't believe a 100% of things the card reader tells you. Do it for fun, for something to giggle about with your friends but never let the readings influence you. Remember that if readings are true, those readers would have been successful or rich by knowing their future. They only got rich from the earnings of people they have duped.=)

The future is not an abysmal territory which is discovered through cards and crystals - but rather a reality which is coming to pass with each passing day, with each PASSING DECISION of each individual.

Fortune-telling and superstitions can never be an alternative to human’s instinct and common sense. God is there to guide and hone us. But in the end, it is OUR choice, no one else’s.


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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday Scavenger Hunt : NAUTICAL

This Week's Theme: Nautical

I decided to abandon ship, broaden my horizons, and search something different.

Instead of the billowy shirts and buckled pirate boots we're seeing tailored shirts, cuffed shorts, linens and other clean looks that would be at home on a yacht with big sunglasses and a glass of ice tea as accessories.

It's a more flattering look than the "pirate wannabe," and the anchors and sailboats are less creepy than the poison-warning "skull and crossbones."

This necklace is a gift from my mother the last time she went home here in the Philippines from Dubai.

It's very nice and I really like it so much...

A week ago, when we're at the mall, together with my circle of friends, I saw something that would perfectly match the necklace so, I impulsively bought the ring and whoalah! It's Purrrfect!

Soo... what do you think???

Uh huh? You like it also? :)


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What's yOur Relationship Status?

Is it Single? Married? It's Complicated? or Dating?

Well, whatever your relationship status may be...

Today, is the most awaited day for some of us. To spend Valentines Day together with our family, friends, loved ones and significant 'others'...

I’m sure top of mind to most of you right now is what Valentine gift to give your loved one.

So what are the best gifts to give on Valentine’s Day? Well, I was thinking. I know many consider the classic bouquet of red roses, box of sweet chocolates and romantic dinner (probably in a restaurant with an excellent view of the sea or the city skyline) as the best gifts on Valentine’s Day, but the truth is, the best gift you can give your Valentine on V-Day is time. Spend quality time with that person and be reminded what a blessing it is to love and be loved. I’m not saying don’t give a gift, I’m saying the cost of the gift doesn’t really matter, it’s the thought that counts. And with the current financial crisis, now is certainly the best time to be creative and cost-friendly with your Valentine’s Day gift.

Basically, Valentine's Day is predicted to be a cool 56 degrees with a 30% chance of rain. You know what else comes in percentages?

Today, Saturday may not be looking the sunniest, but for many girls the weather outside will have no effect on what they're feeling. A heart will always remain hot, especially when it beats with satisfaction.

Well, A lot of people say the same things about….being in love. I may not spend this Valentines season with a 'significant other' since I don't have one, I can just stay here in home or I'l spend it with my friends, anyway valentines day is not just for lovers ayt?

But honestly, it never goes out of my mind that I can and I will actually say this line to somebody in the near future.!

Happy HEARTS day everyone!


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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

WW - WeirDo HairDoO


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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Scavenger Hunt : BRIDGE(s)

This week's theme: Bridge(s)

This bridge over here can be found in CEBU City here in Philippines. The Orange thing over there says...

Under the Bridge...

So if there is a Second Bridge then where is the First Bridge?....

YES! It's over there -------->

Actually, this photos were taken last sembreak when we had our first Vis-Min (Visayas and Mindanao) Tour which was held in Cebu City. Vis-Min Tour was actually participated by 3rd year and 4th year students from different schools here in Mindanao and in Visayas region. The tour was quite fun and it was some kind of a boring experience.

Though I've been to this place a thousand times since I was a kid, It’s no secret that I love taking trips. It allows me to unwind, to try new things, and to take an endless stream of photos which I love sharing with others. There’s also something about exploring a new place or rekindling a friendship with a familiar territory that thrills my blood.


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There was a time when I couldn't bear the thought of not making an entry within a week's stretch but those days have come and left, as I did with this blog. I came and left and wrote less and less until I wrote no longer. My presence here at the moment can be justified by a few things: 1) I feel sorry for myself because my emotions no longer translate to words and I used to be able to deal with them. Perhaps this means that I am currently stricken by more compelling feelings not easily transposed (which should be giving me all the more reasons to write). 2) I just want to have a new post, even if it meant sacrificing sense.

This time I’m having my dilemma, dilemma about writing anything about my blog, I couldn’t think of anything. Maybe I’m in a stuck of forgetfulness that I could not formulate any idea. Oblivion is falling down; the vacuous mind is really no meaning. The words are so shallow.

Anyways there are few people who read up my blog, there are few who knew it.

Maybe the best thing I could do right now is to discern and concentrate what would be the best topic I could right in this blog.

I love my theme, you know! I love blue! But I hate every time my head went blank and have nothing to write about...

Sooo sad...*sigh*


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Monday, February 2, 2009

V Day is Just arOund the Corner

It's February 2009 and Valentine's Day is just around the cOrner! And that means Valentine's Day with all its chances to share warmth, romance, or just plain fun....

So who has more fun on Valentine’s Day? Those who are Single or those who are Coupled?

“Couples, of course!” Mariel said, enthusiastically. “Why?, you fall in love all over again! Flowers in the morning, sweet messages throughout the day, a romantic dinner, and a Valentine’s gift to cap it off.”

“On the contrary,” Nikka countered, “Valentine’s is not just about romantic love. It’s about
celebrating love in all its forms. I can have a fab dinner with my friends or family and have as much fun as you.”

I thought:
To those Valentine’s days spent single—doubled over in laughter with my friends, being silly, eating at a restaurant, or hitting the videoke. The bonding, the good vibes, the company. Those days were a blast.

Fast forward to those people who would spend Valentines Day as a couple, waking up to a call from the person you love, those three long-stemmed roses, and, gosh, a dinner date! The ambience, the mood, the candlelight, and the love of your life! What else would be more perfect?
Then later I was transfixed!

“Well?” Honey and Nikka's voice broke my reverie.

Who has more fun on Valentine’s Day? You tell me.


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Rain Drops

Have you noticed how much of a cry baby the sky has been lately? Of course you have! Unless you haven’t gone out of your fully soundproofed house that allows you to not hear anything from the outside. And this house you’ve been living like a hermit in has no windows nor cracks on the wall that would allow you a glimpse of the gray outside. And you had no contact from the outside world, meaning no internet, television, cell phones, telephones, beepers, walkie talkies, and friends who are most likely to talk about the weather. So yeah, if you weren’t that type to live like the aforementioned way of life, well, you must have noticed how it’s been raining cats and dogs.

Not so long ago, I was bored at home and it was raining hard. Being a teenager born in the camera generation a.k.a. “Picture! Picture!” generation, I took shots of the raindrops falling on the window. And again, as dramatic as this may sound, the raindrops looked like diamonds in its purest form.

Do you like the rain? ‘Cause I love the rain. But most people don’t like it. I guess this is because the rain has the ability to dampen a person, not only physically but also emotionally and possibly mentally, too. I love the rain. As dramatic as this may sound, the rain comforts me. And also makes me sleepy.
I often hear people say how difficult it is to focus on lessons because of the rain. True, true. Because when it rains, it’s usually cold and like some magical spell, this has the power to lull someone to sleep. Whenever I hear that soft pit-pattering of the rain on the glass window of the classroom I am in or most especially by my bed, I instantly want to curl up and drift into a deep sleep. And the cold wind and dark sky lighting helps bring me into a lazy and lethargic state. Yawn. Now stretch.

On rainy days, it’s funny how my eyes tend to droop lower and lower until they’re shut.

However nowadays, I can’t do that. I just can’t. ‘Cause it’s not only raining cats and dogs in my world and every other student’s world, but also papers and examinations. Am I right or am I right?

And it’s on Monday nights when this overwhelming feeling of laziness creeps in. Monday nights remind me of the three other nights I have to live through to reach Friday nights that end and welcome the weekend. Do you feel the same way?

We may be sleepless this rainy season but remember, everything that gets wet dries up. We shouldn’t get carried away with those drowsy feelings no matter how tempting they are. If we just put our mind into it, those feelings will go away. :)


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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Saturday Scavenger Hunt : FURRY

This Week's Theme: Furry

Our Dog...

Our Dog stands up every time I call its name...

This is the mother of our two other dogs anyway...

This pup is playing with my father.

'Husky' (the name of this pup) is a big 1 year old dog!!!


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